Tuesday 23 November 2010

The amazing of Week 17

Baby's Plumping Up!

Baby starts plumping up this week, as body fat is deposited under her skin. Your baby will continue adding these essential layers from now until she leaves the womb, when she'll need them to help her stay warm in the outside world. Added bonus: They help her achieve that precious, pudgy baby look.

Your baby is continuing to "breathe" amniotic fluid through her lungs, prepping for those first oxygen-packed breaths after she's born. Roughly the size of a large pear, these days she's almost 5-1/2 inches long and weighs in at 7 ounces. Her delicate skeleton continues to harden from rubbery cartilage to bone, so make sure you're chugging that milk. The calcium helps build a strong, sturdy frame.



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