Friday, 19 November 2010

My journal pragnancy

Pekan ini mulai memasuki pekan ke 17, tepatnya 4 bulan 3 hari usia kehamilan. Hmm, mulai terasa sedang mengandung... Alhamdulillah sejauh ini kehamilan fika berjalan lancar. Tanpa mual dan muntah berlebihan, ngidam nya pun hampir ndak pernah, fika masih beraktivitas biasa. Namun memang sudah mulai dikurangi kecepatannya.
Amazing, Subhanallah, semuanya terasa begitu indah. teringat saat mulai dinyatakan hamil, lalu periksa kehamilan pertama, melihat reaksi orang-orang disekitar, melihat perut yang semakin membesar, mencoba untuk lebih sabar mengingat bayi yang ada di kandungan, dan lain sebagainya.
Fika memang baru memeriksakan ke dokter pada pekan kehamilan ke 8, dan saat tampak di monitor USG, rasanya gimanaaa gitu. Sampai-sampai fika kebingungan waktu melihat reaksi suami yang begitu gembira, sampai sujud syukur di ruangan dokternya. Pun, meski mama udah yakin kalo fika hamil tampak juga begitu excited saat melihat foto dari hasil USG.
Fika mungkin terlihat menjalani kehamilan dengan biasa-biasa aja. Tapi sebenarnya fika pun pelan-pelan tengah belajar mengamati, merasakan, sedang apa si janin saat ini. Mungkin baru sebatas teori, ketika fika membaca buku atau artikel, ikutan milist tentang kehamilan, bertanya dengan teman yang sudah punya anak. Dan fika juga tengah belajar mengendalikan emosi, mengendalikan sikap, karena karakter sang ibu pastinya mempengaruhi karakter dari si janin pula. Mungkin terlihat belum optimal, but I really enjoy with my pragnancy.
Berikut Kondisi janin pada pekan 15 sampai pekan 17, fika ambil dari

Week 15

Will your baby be bald as a cueball, or emerge with a mop of dark hair? That's now being decided, as hair sprouts on the scalp. Hair also appears as eyebrows and on other parts of the baby's body, too. Baby's legs, back, and belly are covered by a downy fuzz called "lanugo," most of which will disappear before birth. Is this hair just a holdover from our furry caveman days, or does it serve some protective purpose in the womb? Scientists don't yet know for sure.

Mind-blowing fact: Like a tiny sea creature, your baby is able to breathe "underwater." Beginning anywhere from ten to fifteen weeks, the fetus inhales and exhales small amounts of amniotic fluid. This helps the lungs to develop and grow.

Week 16

At somewhere around three inches long, your baby is just about big enough these days to make herself known to the outside world. Any day now -- usually between weeks 16 and 20 -- she'll be bumping up against the walls of the amniotic sac, producing those little flutters and tickles that you'll feel as "quickening." An ultrasound might be able detect your baby's sexual organs, and an external monitor could pick up the thumps of her tiny heart, which by now is pumping 25 quarts of blood a day to every corner of her growing body.

In both face and body, this baby looks more human. Her head and neck are held straighter now, and her proportions are becoming more "normal." Her eyes have now moved from the sides to the center of the face. Eyelids are shut firmly, and won't open again until the seventh month of pregnancy.

Week 17

Vocabulary word of the week: meconium. This black goo, your baby's first feces, is the product of cell loss, digestive secretion and swallowed amniotic fluid. As pregnancy progresses, meconium begins to accumulate in the bowels. It will appear -- usually after birth, though occasionally in utero -- as baby's first poop!

Baby is firmly attached to the placenta via the umbilical cord, which is growing thicker and stronger, thanks to the blood and nutrients constantly rushing through it. His skeleton is transforming from soft cartilage to bone. These bones remain flexible though, so that this precious package can pass more easily through the birth canal.


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